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  1. P

    It’s 1:39am and I’m awake because I have pink eye brewing

    @tidal9334 I am so glad to hear I’m not alone! I went with regular artificial tears and when I woke up just now, I’m still goopy and crusty but better than the middle of the night so I think I’m viral not bacterial. 🤞🏻
  2. P

    It’s 1:39am and I’m awake because I have pink eye brewing

    @tmp I used to do this but I am super paranoid about superbugs developing from overuse.
  3. P

    It’s 1:39am and I’m awake because I have pink eye brewing

    @primsroses Thank you, it does help! Particularly the part about the weekend, LOL! I am very paranoid about using antibiotics so I just used some artificial tears overnight to help clean it out and this morning it seems to be clearing already. I have had viral episodes before so I am pretty sure...
  4. P

    It’s 1:39am and I’m awake because I have pink eye brewing

    @gigikaren LOLOL I already went through that train of thinking yesterday and begrudgingly took a test (thankfully negative)
  5. P

    It’s 1:39am and I’m awake because I have pink eye brewing

    Is it a remnant of the bacterial infection my son had two weeks ago? Is it viral due to the tail end of the cold I’m kicking that my son brought home last week that laid him up for approximately 24 hours that has had me on my death bed for 4 days? Should I just go for the leftover antibiotic...