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    @roninjedi Well done for being willing to put in the work! In my experience, it's the hardest thing you'll ever do, parenting included, but it's also the most worthwhile, both for your offspring and for yourself. I was 29 or 30 when I finally acknowledged that I needed help... after struggling...
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    @roninjedi Number 5, especially. Do not leave it fester, mostly unattended, for a decade and a half. It's 1000 times harder to put yourself back together after you're already in pieces. And even if you manage, you will never be the same.
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    16 month old doesn’t eat solids. Just stopped the formula bottle cold turkey and I’m going insane with the crying. Anyone else go through this?

    @pastorbenjohnson I was told to wean back slowly with the formula. So basically, water it down, a bit at a time, until it's more water than anything else. Start with an extra ounce of water, and over the process of a couple of weeks increase the water content an ounce at a time, every few days...
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    Help: My 10yo son is a relentless downer

    @arishin Sometimes depression and anxiety stem from physical issues. The brain is like any other organ in that it can get sick. Prime example is if he was showing signs of a malfunctioning pancreas. That can indicate diabetes, and you'd have it checked. A lot of people do not realise there are...
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    Help: My 10yo son is a relentless downer

    @truthtellah For me, your last sentence covers it. Her experience could mirror mine. It doesn't have to, and if I have my way, it won't. My parents did the best for me they could, but I grew up in a rural area in the '80s and '90s. Help wasn't easy to find, and Mother saw so much of herself in...
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    “Nobody Wants Your Kid!”

    @aaronellis I disapprove of the concept of proof of vaccination for admittance to places, so I was hesitating to show it in a situation that I was not legally required to. It was a very controversial move, and there were more than enough demonstrations about it to show this, even in our...
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    My 9.5 yo daughter used my laptop & didn’t know I could see her google search on my phone

    @michaeljs This makes me happy. It seems like abuse cycles through and repeats itself over and over through the generations. I'm glad she tried to do better by you, even if she didn't get it all right. That sets you up to do better still by your kid, which is the important thing. I wish more...
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    My OBGYN laughed at me when I said I was OAD

    @peachpits I've had kidney stones, and I've given birth. The kidney stones were hands down more painful, but I'd choose them again over labour. They last a couple of weeks at most, and then they're a memory. Labour sets you up for a couple of months healing, if things go well, and then...
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    “Nobody Wants Your Kid!”

    @trandraskell The one stranger who has held my child yanked her out of my arms without permission. I was taking her to an appointment at the hospital during the height of 2021 pandemic issues, proof of vax required for pretty much everywhere, including to visit the hospital. But not for...