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  1. M

    Turning 30, thinking about quitting law school after my first semester to start a family. Advice?

    @ladyghosthunter Only you can decide this, but if I were you I'd quit and not look back. The only reason I'm still pursuing my PhD is because they pay me a stipend. I thank God I didn't go to med school like I wanted originally, because I'd be in debt and debating being a sahm just as I am now...
  2. M

    0 to 1 child, or 1-2 children? Which was a harder transition for you?

    @andy1993 My friend just had her second and she says 1-2 was harder. I thought the 0-1 transition was tough because I've literally never had this amount of responsibility before and I had to learn how to do everything (never really babysat or cared for an infant!). but I'd love more kids soon...
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    Struggling to do “everything” *venting*

    @marknjohson I don't think you need to worry about homeschooling your daughter as a 4 year old. Let her be little and wait until August to reassess if you've got the capacity to homeschool kindergarten. Do you find preschool beneficial to you? If it adds more stress than relief, cut that out of...
  4. M

    Home air quality priorities?

    @orthodoxjay1 I love love love my air purifier, it was one of my favorite home investments and recommend everyone get a high quality air purifier and frequently change their home furnace filters to keep the air as clean as possible. I recently bought a stroller that needed off gassing badly. I...