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    Pediatrician says I’m nursing my 4 week old too often - not sure what to do

    @christopher000 What's wrong with comforting a baby? As adults we use food, touch, warmth and cannabinoids for comfort. Breastmilk has all of those. That's why babies want it. That's also why pacifiers were invented. To replace the breast. If you can. Do it. It's healthy for you both. Besides...
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    Explaining financial limitations to a 3-4 year old?

    @ijtee Set the expectation before you go in. "We're buying xyz today, but no toys, OK" Then inside when she asks "I know you want xyz but it's not on the list, maybe next week we can" Its OK for her to be upset, remind her of that, she'll tantrum a few times and learn that this is an actual...
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    I did it. I told my ped.

    @j010203t I told my first pediatrician who told me a story about an 11 month old who suffocating when mom was sitting up in bed nursing and fell asleep falling over onto the baby. I pointed out that bed sharing, side laying to nurse would have prevented that tragedy and she just left the room...
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    Pediatrician said baby sleep is abnormal

    @nserchoftruth 💕 you're son is lucky to have you
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    Pediatrician said baby sleep is abnormal

    @nserchoftruth My daughter was in the NICU. Everytime she cried for more than a minute her heartrate would get dangerously high and she'd forget to breathe. Numerous studies have proven that NICU babies are more likely to live if their cries are answered. If they're held. If they're handled...
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    I need help - baby is not gaining weight

    @apa There can be other reasons why the baby isn't gaining like an iron deficiency but supplementing isn't the end of your breastfeeding journey. It's a journey not an all or nothing.