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    1.5 hr Commute 1x a week

    @naila I would absolutely do it. I have a 2 yo and commute 2 hrs total every day of the week. It's tough. I miss mornings with my little one and feel like I never have enough time in the evenings. But my husband has gotten so much more bonding time with little boy and it's been fantastic for...
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    No body told me that at 6 months old my baby would go from potato to x games mode

    @monsieurhauddennifels This article was helpful and milestones.and.motherhood on IG has some videos!
  3. T

    No body told me that at 6 months old my baby would go from potato to x games mode

    @monsieurhauddennifels My 15mo has figured out what the little step stool in the kitchen is for and carries it around the house so he can climb on things better. He loves climbing on the oven door (we keep it locked so he can't tip it back), the baby gates, chairs, couches, basically anything...