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  1. M

    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @snowtrekker My first labour and delivery was tough. I wanted to go unmedicated at the birthing suite so badly, and labour came on so hard and so fast. I was essentially delirious. I laboured unmedicated for 15 hours before my cervix started swelling closed, and I required a transfer to hospital...
  2. M

    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @joy613 I don't think so - mostly because it wasn't back pain, in an achy, I want to arch my back to stretch it or put strain on different muscles it sort of way - it was back pain in a localized spot on my spine that felt like touching the ground was hell so I HAD to arch my back, to keep that...
  3. M

    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @shayla22 This is purely anecdotal. I had one birth with an epidural, and one birth without. I do not regret my epidural at all, but I absolutely did experience the WEIRDEST back pain for probably about 18 months after my first (epidural) delivery. It was really only if I laid flat on my back...