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    4m/o exposed to covid-need breastmilk help

    @momof3teens The backwash theory of breastmilk antibodies has zero evidence behind it and is almost certainly not true. Moms and babies just generally share germs because they are in close contact touching breathing and kissing each other, the same as any other two people. So therefore, if a...
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    FDA Issues Warning Letters to Three Infant Formula Manufacturers

    @jeremyumc It might denature the proteins but that wouldn't affect the nutritional composition. If anything it would just make it easier to digest. The digestive system needs to break it all apart to use anyway.
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    FDA Issues Warning Letters to Three Infant Formula Manufacturers

    @leina It is very highly regulated. This is what regulation looks like. If it was poorly regulated no one would be inspecting and there would be no letter for us to read.
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    Tired of “words I can’t pronounce”

    @genxjeff Oh yikes, those actually make sunburns WORSE. Poor kid.
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    Tired of “words I can’t pronounce”

    @sijujoy Thank you for the work that you do. That's a tough job. I took care of my dad while he went through it twice. The first time the immunotherapy worked, but was so rough on his body he questioned if it was worth it. The second time, it didn't work. Like most men of that generation he...
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    Tired of “words I can’t pronounce”

    @genxjeff If they think sunscreen is scary and hard to pronounce just wait until they see the drugs they give you to treat melanoma.
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    Pediatrician’s perspective on pumped breast milk

    @wiloftcnc There's no evidence for it or any possible mechanism by which it would work. What is actually happening is breastfeeding moms and babies already share germs back and forth constantly because they are breathing on each other, kissing each other, touching each other etc, just like all...
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    Should I wait for the updated covid vaccine for my 8 month old?

    @committhyway That article is comparing getting a booster now vs a booster later, which is not the scenario in OP's question. Also, FYI, it is not necessary to downvote someone simply because you disagree with them. I think I've been pretty civil, if you don't wish to continue the conversation...
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    Should I wait for the updated covid vaccine for my 8 month old?

    @committhyway Omicron (and the other Greek letter names like Delta etc) is an official designation from the WHO for a variant that rises to the level of Variant of Concern. The subsequent descendants like EG.5 and XBB.1.5 haven't risen to that level because they're not substantially different...
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    Should I wait for the updated covid vaccine for my 8 month old?

    @committhyway All of the "new" variants are just different flavors of Omicron. They're not actually separate variants and the little nicknames like Eris aren't official. I think this is confusing people into thinking they're substantially different than Omicron, which they aren't really. The...
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    Different recommendations for TDaP vaccinations?

    @elam84 Probably because the US has higher rates of pertussis outbreak because of all the fucking antivaxxers here
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    Ambient noise and other low movement videos around babies?

    @jyohmesheh Background noise, especially with talking, can make it harder for them to pick out the sound of actual people in the room talking, which can slow down language development. You don't really want to train their brains to tune out language sounds as background noise. Actual...