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  1. A

    How did you know you were ready to send you kid to preschool if they didn’t HAVE to go?

    @thimbleberry I am hoping that we are able to get my girl into a program for the fall when she will be 1.5 as well! She loves people so I’m not that worried and it will give me a break two times a week which I desperately need. Husband works literally seven days a week 12-14 hours a day so I...
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    Nagging thought baby is not mine?

    @acmb0101 It can take some couples years to get pregnant so if you’ve been having unprotected sex, this isn’t sudden. Just food for thought. I would chalk this up to fear and it does take some getting used to but if you have no reason to suspect infidelity, I would try not to dwell on this...
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    Pack n play for newborn upto 4 months

    @daishinkan Well I haven’t given birth yet but my friend that I really learned this from has a 1.5 year old and she still uses it for diaper changes! You could probably get two of those peanut things and keep one around your living area if you want but moving one from room to room just seems...
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    Pack n play for newborn upto 4 months

    @daishinkan I went with one closer to #3 because I wanted the changing table option. I know you said you are getting a dresser topped but I liked the option of having multiple places to change baby and not have to go to nursery every single time. Never would have thought of that except my...
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    How much does your partner help with child rearing?

    @beleadnotastray Yeah he hates it but we are able to go visit him at work once or twice a week thank goodness. And when we do visit he will take her around to all the offices showing her off haha. As soon as he gets home every night he will grab the baby monitor to look at her. It’s really...
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    How much does your partner help with child rearing?

    @beleadnotastray So my situation is a little different because my husband works seven days a week, from 7ish AM until after 9pm most days. Sometimes he will get home around 6-6:30pm but it’s rare. Maybe one day off a month. (He does get the full month of July out of office to “recharge”)...
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    Today I hate being a SAHP

    @ajewelinhiscrown Broski, I went ahead and double checked your post history to see if it was you. Your wife is never going to change. She is a bitch. Could be a disorder of some sort, sure. But that doesn’t change the fact that your children are growing up in a household where her behavior is...
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    How burned out are you as a SAHP?

    @ajewelinhiscrown Broski. You gotta get away from your wife. What is she bringing to the table? Every time you post she has done something even worse than the last time. At some point you have to realize you are enabling her to treat you like shit all the time.
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    SAHP - what is your child duty split during off-hours?

    @freeinchrist1611 Does he have set hours at all? That could probably color some of the responses. But regardless that doesn’t seem fair in the least bit. My husband works seven days a week from 7ish AM until routinely after 9pm with some travel Friday-Sunday, so we don’t have much of a “split”...