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    Wife wants another. I'm not excited about it

    @johnacola I'm curious if you can share what led your partner to decide to go for another kid in spite of being "not stoked" ?
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    Wife wants another. I'm not excited about it

    @katrina2017 Hah! Glad to hear I'm not alone. Hearing my son talk about brothers and sisters is a bit heartbreaking... and the age gap is a concern - he is almost six so the age gap will be closer to 7 years.
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    Wife wants another. I'm not excited about it

    @heathermig Thanks for sharing. Do you remember what led to your husband agreeing to a second kid? ETA: if you weren't overjoyed at the idea of a second kid what led you to decide to have another?
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    Wife wants another. I'm not excited about it

    @brittanys She hasn't seen a doctor. She doesn't know if she would do vbac or c section. She thinks her body is up for another delivery and gets defensive when I bring up the c section.
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    Wife wants another. I'm not excited about it

    @ipreachchrist This is a great suggestion. I'd say that about 75 percent of my son's social calendar gets planned by my wife. A lot of that is because other moms text her when they are planning something.
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    Wife wants another. I'm not excited about it

    @phelven Yeah. The sleep depravation is a real fear of mine. My son still thinks it's appropriate to wake up by yelling.
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    Wife wants another. I'm not excited about it

    @greyowl My 5yo is in 1st grade and in some ways it is easier than the time before he was in school. There are some new challenges but on the whole it has gotten easier not harder. We don't have any grandparents or other relatives nearby and available to help with childcare. (I'm also...
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    Wife wants another. I'm not excited about it

    @jperenon Thanks for sharing your experience.
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    Wife wants another. I'm not excited about it

    Over the past few weeks my wife has been more direct in asking about having another kid. She (38) is the middle child in a family with three kids and I (39) have a younger brother. Our son (5) has started making comments about not having a real brother (his brothers are all stuffed animals)...