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  1. D

    Formula amount

    @smithleigh I mean, as a fellow mama of a finish-the-bottle-or-scream baby, I hear you! So unless it seems to make her more comfortable/less refluxy to do smaller amounts more frequently, I would ignore the “it’s too much for her” commentary. No one knows what exclusively breastfeed babies are...
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    Formula amount

    @smithleigh At 5 months my now 6 month old was taking 4x 8 oz bottles a day (every 3-4 hrs) + a 3-4 oz dream feed. She spit up a fair amount (but some bottles very little), but she screamed if you took it away before she finished, and would occasionally leave an ounce or two behind, so we were...
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    14 hours in the pediatric ER- the most grateful I’ve ever been for breastfeeding

    @dbclark Well… as a formerly EPing/low supply mama who wishes her boobs could have been a super power… and a hospital-based… pediatrician… no, I wouldn’t have had enough clean bottles. But the pediatric hospital would have provided me with all the formula and bottles I might need, and if our...
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    Baby’s new pediatrician told us that formula has no nutritional value 😳

    @etolkk123 In general, most babies getting formula don’t need extra iron supplementation, but without knowing your baby’s whole story/being their treating doctor, I wouldn’t absolutely say that they don’t need it.
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    Baby’s new pediatrician told us that formula has no nutritional value 😳

    @etolkk123 Unless your formula doesn’t contain iron, the anemia piece is both bullshit and concerning that he doesn’t understand that it’s bullshit. The babies who get anemia are the EBF babies who don’t get iron supplementation at 6 months and have crappy iron-containing-solids intake. In...
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    What do your babies wear to sleep

    @angelgirl4890 Our 5.5 month old wears either a onesie (short or long sleeve) or a sleeper + sleep sack - we use the TOG rating guide some sleep sack companies provide to guide us in terms of combos.