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  1. S

    When will Americans finally not care that I cosleep?

    @barbee100556 Unfortunately I think people do care and do pass a lot of judgment. What I have seen in parenthood is you basically can’t win. If you breastfeed you’re having your tits out and get baby too attached (wtf) so you’re bad. If you formula feed, you’re not giving them the antibodies bf...
  2. S

    Im an au pair/nanny and need advice!

    @blackakira I did an au pair job in my 20s too, maybe legally I didn’t phrase it right, but the parents are providing you with food, accommodation, pocket money etc in return for you to provide childcare. So it doesn’t really change my point that parenting decisions are not for the au pair to...
  3. S

    Im an au pair/nanny and need advice!

    @kazurk This might be unpopular, but I would be mindful they’re employing you to look after their child and are asking specific things of you as that - I get that you don’t fully agree with what they’re asking for, but it’s not for you to make these parenting decisions. I think you got some good...