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  1. T

    No co sleep unless your body does what it’s supposed to do?

    @mike_l I’ll be honest, I’ve done it since my little was a few weeks old, I felt so guilty but she had terrible colic/reflux/gerd and she physically couldn’t sleep in the pack n play, bassinet it crib. Her little eyes would pop open immediately and the screaming/crying would start back up. I...
  2. T

    To the moms who’ve had a tubal

    @gabriel1986 I’m 6mo post partum and had a bilateral salpingectomy and endometrial ablation last Wednesday. It was laparoscopic so I have three small incisions. I’ve had two other laparoscopic surgeries and this was definitely the least painful. I do still ache in my abdomen and the belly button...
  3. T

    I got sterilized after one child

    @kimberlys I’m 6mo PP and just got the surgery yesterday along with uterine ablation. My baby has had a terrible first 6mo and is finally on the mend from it all. I feel guilty saying it but I couldn’t wait to get it done, my drs exact words when I asked him about it March were “there’s a quota...