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  1. L

    I’m an idiot and MatLeave in this country sucks

    @supercow That sounds lovely. All the old men I work with begrudgingly take off some Fridays or else they max out their vacation and don't accrue more and then I'm up working at weird hours just trying to get my hours in so I can support my kids activities and random days off and hopefully have...
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    Those who do Santa Lite... tell me your ways

    @traceyn We were planning on going light but daycare amped it up. Santa brings them 1 small present each, no electronics because elves aren't solder certified. I'm sure my 6yo is pretty skeptic but he's kept it quiet around the 3yo.
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    Neighbor’s child crying for hours in the early morning. Is this normal?

    @stronglady We had just moved at this point. Definitely waited until we were through that stage and changed the second floor. It's really nice now, all the same color, previous owners had odd taste.
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    Neighbor’s child crying for hours in the early morning. Is this normal?

    @charlie84 Standing at the door crying so hard he would pee himself. Needed to change the carpet anyway.