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  1. W

    Needed opinions!

    @returntotheway Yes! Completely normal!
  2. W

    Needed opinions!

    @returntotheway Yes! Completely normal :/
  3. W

    Needed opinions!

    @requiredname Wow! That’s really reassuring. I’m hopeful that the ovasitol will help ❤️
  4. W

    Needed opinions!

    @taskid2 Okay! Thank you, I will definitely try something like that!
  5. W

    Needed opinions!

    Hey y’all! my husband (30M, 6’1” 250lbs) and I(27F, 5’6”, 320lbs) have been TTC for 2.5 years. We have been diagnosed with “unexplained infertility” just 3 weeks ago. We’re both very healthy on paper. No where near diabetic, no high cholesterol or BP, just not thin. Very active, work out. I’ve...