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  1. D

    An interesting observation: A note on taking research with a grain of salt

    @nalex1066 Oh man the hiccups! Mine got hiccups like five times a day (no exaggeration). She still is a hiccupy kid, gets them every time she laughs too hard 😂
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    just found out my baby is sunny side up

    @fairydustlady My baby was Sunnyside up when I was in labor. I was 8cm dilated and almost fully effaced. He reached in and flipped her 😳
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    An interesting observation: A note on taking research with a grain of salt

    @alotanor It's a real journal! I looked up the journal when I first read the study and it has an impact factor of 2.4, which isn't great but isn't bad. That's why I decided to post. Edit: I didn't consider that it could be a pay to publish journal 🤦‍♀️ I'll look into that.
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    An interesting observation: A note on taking research with a grain of salt

    @the_precious_one Oh that's so interesting that you wrote a book! I guess you don't want to sacrifice your anonymity, but I would love to see it. If you feel comfortable, maybe PM me the link?
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    An interesting observation: A note on taking research with a grain of salt

    @stevesgirl Oh my gosh my brain totally short circuited. How did I not think about that?!
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    An interesting observation: A note on taking research with a grain of salt

    @grace4nan Isn't it so surprising when they come out with these little tiny feet after your ribs being pulverized for months?
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    An interesting observation: A note on taking research with a grain of salt

    @fvp It's a stupid methodology. Although I can say, at 11 months pp, my baby was hella active in utero. Moving all day every day. I had constant motion sickness from her never-ending movement.
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    An interesting observation: A note on taking research with a grain of salt

    @katrina2017 Another excellent point! It's totally subjective. If I remember later I'll look again at their methods later, but I'm guessing they didn't report their scale if I can't remember it now.
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    An interesting observation: A note on taking research with a grain of salt

    @catherinenosleep Aw, thank you! And I totally agree. But it's not their fault, the way we teach science is inherently flawed. We tend not to leave room for ambiguity or change. Although to be fair, that does make it really hard to teach. I teach psych courses and it's difficult to stress that...
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    An interesting observation: A note on taking research with a grain of salt

    I thought this sub might be interested in something I found just now. I was interested to know if there was a correlation between fetal activity in the womb and baby/toddler activity. For instance, if a baby kicks all the time in the womb, are they a little hellion bouncing off the walls later...