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  1. J

    Everyone blames my daughter’s behavior on extended breastfeeding and I’m f*ing sick of it

    @arrowzahns Hey, so completely feel you. Sounds like it’s time to sit down with dad and make a new plan for putting toddler to bed. I breastfed my extremely energetic toddler until around 2.3 years. She’s always been a horrible sleeper. Waking up constantly and the smallest nap would...
  2. J

    Leaving baby?

    @sherina My daughter is 20 months old. Ans while she goes to nursery for 3 hours every day, I still haven’t been able to leave her for a few hours with someone while I go anywhere (nursery is within my compound and approx 2 min walk so I feel like I’m close by enough) Everyone is ready for this...
  3. J

    Preschool? She just turned two.

    @silentjohn My toddler started at 18 months. I am a SAHM but she was extremely social and we had a good secure attachment so I felt like she would benefit from the routine and social Interaction of other kids and adults. The nursery she went to was down the street from us and she would go for...