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  1. N

    WTT #2 Bedroom Problem (not that kind of problem)

    @jacklemyapple Can't give you any first hand advice, but my SIL's two boys shared a room from when the youngest was a newborn until he was about a year and they didn't run into any problems that I'm aware of. The boys were slightly closer in age (a year and a half apart) but that might not make...
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    [For Fun] Happy CANADA DAY you hosers!!!!

    @robertfoera I freakin loved Kenny vs. Spenny! I'd also totally forgotten about it... definitely watching some when I get home!
  3. N

    On songs we want to sing to our future babes.

    @paleouss I grew up listening to this album on tape. Bought it on iTunes a few years ago and still listen to it every once and awhile if I'm having a hard time falling asleep. I know just about every word to every song in the whole album by heart, so I definitely plan on singing it to our...