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  1. B

    First US - Dating Question/Reassurance

    In case anyone finds this post and wants reassurance or positive thoughts - had a healthy baby girl 7 weeks ago!
  2. B

    First US - Dating Question/Reassurance

    Wanted to share an update for future readers, just left my US follow up (8 days after first) with good news. Dated 7+2 (spot on with expected O, and 2 days past first dating measurement) and saw heartbeat. Turns out the first one was just too early based on LMP.
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    First US - Dating Question/Reassurance

    @jprice63 This is so smart… I was actually wondering why my provider had me book a first U.S. inside of 7 weeks anyways because last time I’m sure I was closer to 8. My OBs office called me today and was concerned based on LMP then when I told them ovulation date they said it was likely fine and...
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    First US - Dating Question/Reassurance

    @cfranco Thank you! Really appreciate the reassurance. Guess that I should have oriented my dating expectations to ovulation vs LMP!
  5. B

    First US - Dating Question/Reassurance

    Hi everyone! Just had first US today at what I thought was 6w5d (based on LMP of 8/17). Pretty sure my O date was 9/5 based on temp/LH/first positive HCG test (vvvFL 9/14) which would put me at 6w0d. We saw gest sack, yolk sack, fetal pole, and showed “coloration” of cardiac activity but said it...