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  1. W

    3 y.o. Still Not Going on Miralax

    @johnnyz Yes it feels awful to watch them struggle and not be able to fix it. I hope he feels better soon!
  2. W

    3 y.o. Still Not Going on Miralax

    @johnnyz I’m not sure. I’m not a doctor, so I could definitely be wrong, just relaying what our pediatrician said and what worked for us. The pedialax did help when we used it, and miralax and probiotics helped as prevention, I think. That and making my daughter drink more water in general helped.
  3. W

    3 y.o. Still Not Going on Miralax

    @johnnyz Yes! It’s a magnesium chewable tablet. Miralax is a fiber supplement, so as a daily addition it can help them. But it won’t usually help if they’re already constipated badly. The pedialax is magnesium so it draws water from their body to make it easier to go. But you have to make sure...
  4. W

    3 y.o. Still Not Going on Miralax

    @johnnyz Could you try pedialax or something similar? It’s more of an immediate process than the miralax. You could also ask your pediatrician about adding a daily probiotic. Hope it gets better soon!