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  1. J

    Toddler screams and cries at daycare for an hour before passing out from exhaustion

    @likim Yeah if it’s only two days a week it could take a month or two to adjust. I remember when my daughter was that age she switched daycare rooms and took a couple weeks to adjust, but another girl only going 2 days a week had a much harder adjustment. It will get better. I’d keep an eye on...
  2. J

    Toddler screams and cries at daycare for an hour before passing out from exhaustion

    @likim It’s a big adjustment, definitely takes time but also screaming for an hour is a lot. How many days a week do they go there? If not five days a week it’s going to take longer than a few weeks to adjust. Does sound stressful with dogs in the mix. Hopefully it gets better soon for you!