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  1. W

    How often to change and machine cycle questions

    @cees Will the high spin setting cause the elastics to stretch quicker or am I overthinking things?
  2. W

    How often to change and machine cycle questions

    @graceadele Thank you so much for the info. My baby is 9 weeks now, I've been doing the diapers for about 2 weeks now. He was born at 2.9kg and went down to 2.6kg even though he went 3 weeks over 😅 I waited to start for him to hit 4kg, plus I wanted to not stress about extra washing until I...
  3. W

    How often to change and machine cycle questions

    Hey guys, Ive just started cloth nappies with my 8 week old baby, so far so good. I'm doing it part time until I can build my stash (currently have 16) so every third day I need to use disposables. My question is how often do you change/check the diaper? I have become accustomed to being able...