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    1 month, wishing you could go back and not have a baby, postpartum thought or worse?

    @yuliia Yeah this was me. Newborn stage was hellish. It does get better but it will get better a lot faster with help.
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    Tell me I’m not a bad parent

    @dan54fis You’re doing great. I recently watched UP with my 9 month old when she was sick and not doing well. It was a good distraction and I’m frankly impressed at her attention span.
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    1 year mark

    @makr Laughing my ass off at “absolute bs.” I would have another too if I could skip the first 9/10 months.
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    What was your most and least favourite stage of the first year?

    @lab16750 “Ew” lol I feel this and am glad others are honest about it
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    What was your most and least favourite stage of the first year?

    @manga006 We’re at 9.5 months and it’s my favorite so far. She’s not crawling yet but she is babbling all the time, says a few words, knows a couple signs, claps, points, waves, dances, and just does funny stuff like teases the dogs with her food then pulls it back and laughs (but eventually...
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    What do you do to keep yourself sane?

    @mikeytosh That age is so hard (just validating your feelings). My girl is almost one and we’re on two naps. The morning is kind of just chilling at home and breakfast. Afternoon is when I get stir crazy if we don’t leave, so it’s either a mom meet up, music class, walk, etc. Then after the...
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    What was your most and least favourite stage of the first year?

    @prayer75 lol I hated newborn phase too and when I see newborns I get stressed af just looking at them