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  1. S

    Any tips for a very active 7mo?

    @neowelshrevival can you drop a nap? by 7m most babies are on 3 or 2 naps with 2.5-3.5 windows. you may need to adjust her bottles by dropping a bottle and adding oz to the other feedings. it may take a few days for her to adjust to a new routine as well so give her some time and see if it...
  2. S

    Any tips for a very active 7mo?

    @neowelshrevival i think she’s overtired. my daughter is 8mo and super active just like yours. crawls, pulls up, walks while supported. her wake windows are 3/3/3.5-4. she takes naps in the crib. the first being 30min and the second 1h-1.5h. she sleeps 7-7 at night with no wakes. she drinks...