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  1. M

    Why is overworking a flex?

    @katrina2017 This is a common problem in IT fields -- in the US, we got screwed out of overtime pay by some federal law a decade or three back. We're salaried at $x per year. Which sounds great if it's x/(40*52), but many places I worked had a culture that you're an absolute slacker if you're...
  2. M

    Why is overworking a flex?

    @atlkate Maybe you could have summer Mondays or Wednesdays instead? I used to work for a company with wild expectations about overworking that did this summer Friday thing. And it only meant adding four extra hours every other day plus working the full Friday. I get the coverage thing - so I...
  3. M

    Guilty for thinking this way?

    @velour100 I agree about the being OK to be selfish -- I could earn a third what I make today working for any number of really beneficial charities. But I took the selfish route. At that, how many people chose their career based on aptitude without considering what they enjoy? Ostensibly, I...
  4. M

    Teen quit school- now what?

    @thedevilaintthatbad Ultimately, I cannot force my kid to do a lot of things anymore. She'll experience the consequences. She understands that enough poor performance at school means you repeat the grade -- and everyone is going to realize it when you are not in classes with them next year. Poor...
  5. M

    I am at my wits end with my daughter’s (16f) sleep schedule. Any advice, kind words and virtual hugs accepted

    @stevej66 For my daughter, the phone stays in the kitchen overnight and all of our tablets are charging in the office. She's not old enough to have emergency 3AM phone calls! I cannot make someone sleep, but I can remove all of the "fun" alternatives. She might grab a book or pick up a knitting...