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    My bonus was pro-rated to deduct my maternity leave

    @mh86 So strange, no usually salary has nothing to do with it, but lucky you.
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    My bonus was pro-rated to deduct my maternity leave

    @mh86 Well, no you didn’t have 25 working days unpaid, you had 98 days that you didn’t work. This is akin unfortunately to the same way you don’t accrue PTO for holidays or day you’re out on PTO.
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    My toddler is saying the “N” word and I’m not ok

    @isaac1904 As a black mom with a biracial child no it’s not ok, for any child. I can’t say I’ve never said it in quoting a song or movie, but even if her father is openly saying it positively to his friends, I look at it like a curse word or potentially offensive term. Just because I may curse...
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    Almost 1 y/o and hasn’t learned to self-soothe. Are we setting ourselves up for disaster?

    @funmy I’m thinking more daytime sleep may be necessary
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    Almost 1 y/o and hasn’t learned to self-soothe. Are we setting ourselves up for disaster?

    @funmy How much day sleep is he getting? Sounds like perhaps not enough. But also if almost a year old whatever you want to do or even CIO you want to do soon.
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    Is it a bad idea to wait until Black Friday to order my car seat / stroller? I’m due December 6th

    @mrssmith It’s fine, but also might not be on sale.
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    She is one and done but I am a fencesitter, need some opinions

    @mmtb34 She’s done, so you as a couple are done. That’s it. She’s not interested in having more kids, so please don’t apply pressure here.
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    My 3 yr son's teacher sent home this note, and it's crazy

    @dylanrowe1 Have you spoken to the director? I would be honest that you’re confused as to the goal of this letter and what’s required. But no, this ‘school’ or daycare isn’t really up to par. Lose the $15 and move on.
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    Feeling like a bit of a failure

    @byhimforhim Sounds like you’re doing great and everything is going pretty normally.
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    Reddit put me off flying with a toddler but y’all were wrong

    @fkjg Well sure, you’ll manage to get through it, but how worth it that is, is individual.
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    Middle v side seat for carseat

    @rabih Sides. But also be sure of space back there for the car seat you’re buying. We had a small SUV and had to consider the distance between the back of the passenger seat and the backseat.
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    Reddit put me off flying with a toddler but y’all were wrong

    @samuelc Oh no, he’s not well behaved 15.25/16 hours on a normal day, that’s the point, the whole thing would be a day of stress and so that day is already elevated which makes the 45 minutes of terror that much worse and something I personally couldn’t handle. My point being that 45minutes is...
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    Reddit put me off flying with a toddler but y’all were wrong

    @theriversedge I think that depends on who you are and who your toddler is. 45 minutes in a 16 hour or 24 hour travel day seems terrible to me.
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    Reddit put me off flying with a toddler but y’all were wrong

    @johnd I think the moral of the story here is it can be terrible or not. I would also imagine some of the horror stories actually helped some of your experience not feel as awful as it may otherwise. I would personally consider 45 ‘hard minutes’ of fighting sleep on a plane or in an airport...
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    I made a list of pros and cons of having a second (to convince my husband to be OAD)

    @serhii ‘I don’t want to have another child’ needs to be enough.