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    Teething "fever"

    @cjmnksa Even if my 19 month old gets hysterical for some length of time she feels extremely hot. I think the stress effects some kids differently
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    favorite soaps that don’t dry out skin?!

    @guidance I just try to find something unscented with oatmeal and minimal ingredients
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    Talk to me about babies measuring big (5.5lbs at 32 weeks), monitoring and avoiding induction!

    @omnitude You don't need to get induced for a "big baby". I was told both my babies were big at ultra sounds. My first was 7 pounds born at 37 weeks, my second was 10 pounds at almost 40 weeks. They were both born at home. Everything was fine. I know people make it seem like big babies are the...
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    Is having a second kid really worth all the trouble? It looks exponentially harder to go from 1 to 2 kids than zero to 1.

    @christopherpriestley I think it depends on the person. What do you want out of motherhood? Some people don't mind not having time for themselves and serving their family. Some can't stand it. Some people don't get triggered and touched out with the constant calling of mama and screaming...
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    What Cheerios-like cereal are you feeding your baby?

    @playthelyric I like the nature's path whole Os. They are organic and gluten free. The price also is not bad
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    Glass bottles keep cracking

    @pokerfaceblonde Can you store the milk in one jar then transfer it to one that is room temperature before warming?
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    Looking for alternatives to the children's dance industrial complex

    @apor2017 Let her explore these things without any pressure and see where it leads. It may become a great passion or it may become nothing but don't deprive her just because of your own worries. She may end up resenting that