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  1. C

    How to stop a 10YO kid from reading my messages?

    @acts1038 Lock your phone
  2. C

    My sister is neglecting her children but DCFS/OCS won't investigate since it does not meet their criteria

    @anita007 Op have you offered to help your sister get caught up on housework? Have you offered any real help at all? It's clear you care about these kids but all I'm seeing is your sister needs help especially now and you are causing far more problems I saw how you said your sister wanted to...
  3. C

    My sister is neglecting her children but DCFS/OCS won't investigate since it does not meet their criteria

    @anita007 You just tried to have her kids stolen while she is depressed and her not wanting to be around yall surprises you? really? Your poor sister and her kids you aren't making their lives better by involving cps.
  4. C

    Stay at home mother entitlement

    @wasblindbutnowisee She sounds burnt out. Have you sta down and had an actual conversation with her ? Checked in on her? This is often what sahm burnout looks like people assume laziness or entitlement, but really, you're just drained
  5. C

    Concerned about teenage son's interest in guns

    @yhwh_will_uplift Get him shooting lessons, take him hunting, or to the range.