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  1. 1

    What was your most and least favourite stage of the first year?

    @mystisch Wheat and eggs ended up being the two biggest culprits (in addition to some true food allergies, but those are a different beast). Wheat cleared up around 12 months and eggs by 18 months. It was also pretty easy to avoid these foods once we identified them (by feeding him a new food...
  2. 1

    What was your most and least favourite stage of the first year?

    @manga006 My son will be two this month, but my favorite stage in his first year was months 10-12. He was crawling, talking some, eating more and more solids - just seeming like a full person. My least favorite was probably months 2-3. My son had a number of food intolerances - he was always...
  3. 1

    What was your most and least favourite stage of the first year?

    @christianextremisttopkek Mine was slow on gross motor skills too. Kids just develop at different times and focus on different things. For us, verbal stuff is where his focus was. He’ll be two this month and is speaking in full sentences. It’s been really interesting bc I feel like the first...
  4. 1

    How to reintroduce baby carrier to 2 y/o?

    @spingle Have you tried a carrier geared more towards older kids? We use the tushbaby, and I’ve also seen the Gooseket for some the big less bulky. We've used the tushbaby in the airport for my 20 month old multiple times and it works well (we don’t even bring a stroller with us) - it keeps my...