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  1. S

    Help! I'm stressing my wife out

    @1tommytom I understand, and I obviously agree that "fed is best" but it is hard to get over the idea that "breast is best" also.
  2. S

    Help! I'm stressing my wife out

    @pierreb Thank you so much for that message... That actually made me tear up a bit, because I know that I really am letting perfection be the enemy of good enough. That was a wonderful reminder and I will be back to read this again!
  3. S

    Help! I'm stressing my wife out

    @pierreb I am really trying to support her as best that I can. I know that she is trying her best, and I fully agree with what you are saying. I have said to myself and her that it is a blessing to have formula, but it hasn't helped me get out of this mindset if that makes sense.
  4. S

    Help! I'm stressing my wife out

    Hey fellow dads, I joined the club 4 days ago and have a beautiful baby girl! The reason that I come to all of you today is to ask for guidance and/or reassurance. I have been stressing my wife and myself about breastfeeding our daughter. I went into this with an expectation (I know, never...