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  1. J

    Going for three or am I crazy?

    @morgannicole555 My third is 3 months old. My other two are 5&3. No regrets!
  2. J

    Going 0-to-1 vs Going 1-to-2

    @tobyw I think I’m the rare person who 1-2 was HARD and 0-1 wasn’t that bad. 😂😅 Mine are 23 months apart (currently almost 2 and 4) and I just really struggled going back to the newborn phase of feeding the baby all day and all the naps, etc. at first. After I got the swing of things though, it...
  3. J

    Solo parents, would you have another?

    @lovethyneighbourasthyself I’m not a solo parent, but I have two young kids and honestly, I could not do it. I think it depends a lot of personality types (you AND the kids). If you are doing okay with one, two might not be a big deal in the long run though.