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    Need to vent - accused of child abuse

    @shela710 Oh, that does make sense. Thank you for the explanation!
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    Need to vent - accused of child abuse

    @brendabree Oh, wow. That's terrifying to even think about. Also good to know!
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    Need to vent - accused of child abuse

    @shela710 Could you elaborate on that a bit? Other than abuse or neglect (or accidental bodily trauma, I suppose), what are other possible causes for bruising in that area? I guess I'm wondering if the pediatrician suspected possible abuse right from the get-go.
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    Need to vent - accused of child abuse

    @999forever I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'd be so upset with the pediatrician, too. Did you let them know what happened? Why would they think a bruise, absent any other symptoms, was enough of an emergency to go to the ER?