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  1. K

    heart palpitations 2 months pp

    @myleen It went to 30 and then to 131 at hospital. Then it stayed at 92-98
  2. K

    heart palpitations 2 months pp

    @nhanc33 huh. that’s odd.. they referred me to cardio so hopefully it will resolve itself.
  3. K

    heart palpitations 2 months pp

    @jennystang what exactly is it, and what did doctors say
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    heart palpitations 2 months pp

    @jennystang can you tell me more about this
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    heart palpitations 2 months pp

    @draxzar he asked me if I had problems with it, and. I said no. I don’t think they tested it, if they did, there was no concern that he brought to me
  6. K

    heart palpitations 2 months pp

    hey all. im 2 months pp from c section , and about a week ago exactly I experienced heart palpitations. I went to ER, and they did all kinds of testing on me, and it all came back fine. I’ve also been fatigued, and in between my shoulders hurt. dizziness also comes and goes. I went to prompt...