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  1. M

    What does your younger toddlers sleep look like?

    @headheart 14 month old, wakes a million times at night. Our bedtime is getting wonky because he is trying to transition to 1 nap but not quite ready. Typically wakes 7-7:30 and bedtime is around 9 because of the late nap. But yeah the night wakes are killing em.
  2. M

    What does your younger toddlers sleep look like?

    @momrn3 Did you do anything differently??
  3. M

    What does your younger toddlers sleep look like?

    @alan21usr Yeah same! I have newborns around me that sleep better than my toddler. We cosleep too but he sleeps so poorly with me too. It’s so hard honestly, the sleep deprivation sucks.
  4. M

    What does your younger toddlers sleep look like?

    @mikegray Same with my 14 month old. Crazy how so many people’s baby’s can sleep through. I honestly can’t even imagine my son sleeping 6 hours straight.