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  1. I

    I have full custody of my kids (4, 6 & 8) indefinitely and I don’t know how to tell them why

    @mrt22 I hear ya. No worries. Boy dad here. This is a pretty eye-opening book, and something I encourage ALL parents to read: The Boy Crisis: Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It Not sure what the gender of OP’s littles are, but dad’s are just as...
  2. I

    I have full custody of my kids (4, 6 & 8) indefinitely and I don’t know how to tell them why

    @mrt22 “Watch them” subtly devalues the importance of “dad” in my view. I know I’m just splitting hairs over silly words, but dad is worth more than that. Just my $0.02.
  3. I

    3u4: must haves & minivans??

    @blazewater The transmission in ours is a bit “rough” on the gear shifts. And it’s also really hard to slowly accelerate in 1st gear. It’s like you either crawl from zero, or you’re gunning the RPM way up through 2nd and 3rd gear.