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  1. J

    Confused about sleep and formula

    @nader1 We supplemented with formula from around 4-11 months and it made no difference in terrible sleep. He got a bottle before bed as well as throughout the day. I would do 1-2 bottles overnight too depending on if I thought he was super hungry. What’s made a difference is his age (now 27...
  2. J

    How can I tell my mom I don’t want her there for delivery even though she’s a L&D nurse?

    @davidluxembourg And just keep repeating that! No need for further elaboration, OP is an adult and doesn’t need to justify her needs to her mother.
  3. J

    How the heck are y’all getting 3-4 oz from one boob!! I’m lucky if I can get 1-2 oz between the both. It’s driving me crazy!!

    @alliah We wound up combo feeding and it helped so much! We had so many issues ebf and I just couldn’t keep up with all the extra pumping to try to increase supply. It really helped me mentally to relax and do what I could from the breast and then offer formula. We did that for maybe 6 months...