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  1. J

    Cloth diapering a preemie - what weight did you start diapering?

    @wisdom08 Thanks for putting into perspective like that, it really is an insane amount of diapers. She has a tendency to pee while we’re changing her diaper too so sometimes we go through two per change. Thinking about how many diapers total that is over the months is kind of sickening!
  2. J

    Cloth diapering a preemie - what weight did you start diapering?

    My baby was born at 34 weeks and is a month old today (calendar age - her corrected gestational age is 38 and a half weeks, her due date is 8/14). She was a little thing at birth and is now just about 6.5 lbs. She’s just now fitting into newborn size clothes and newborn size disposable diapers...