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    Father’s sister doesn’t want her kids to know about our daughter

    @heartfullofchrist I don’t really have anything to add to what I have said and I appreciate the civil discussion. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
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    Father’s sister doesn’t want her kids to know about our daughter

    @heartfullofchrist What’s right isn’t determined by us, but by God . I’m sure the Pharisees thought that they were behaving in a way that was aligned with scripture but Christ showed that they actually weren’t. And there’s been a lot of things that I’ve done in the past that I thought were...
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    Father’s sister doesn’t want her kids to know about our daughter

    @heartfullofchrist I wasn’t saying she wasn’t a Christian; I said her behaviour is un-Christlike - which is a totally different thing. I can’t be the judge of whether someone is a Christian or not but if we as Christians behave in ways that are contrary to scripture, we’re told to call each...
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    Father’s sister doesn’t want her kids to know about our daughter

    @heartfullofchrist So if someone who considers themselves a Christian murders someone, would I be judgemental for saying that it is wrong to murder? Or less extreme examples, if they insult or bully or lie, would I be judgemental for saying that those actions are wrong? There is a difference...
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    Father’s sister doesn’t want her kids to know about our daughter

    @heartfullofchrist I’m so sorry for the way she’s treating you and your daughter, OP. As a Christian, this isn’t Christ-like behaviour. First and foremost, Romans 5:23-24 makes it clear that we have all sinned and we are all made right with God through the sacrifice that Christ made at the...