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    What was the moment you knew you were OAD?

    @samalematina How strange! Mine never went away, I literally vomited the baby and placenta out lol. I can't put my husband and myself through 9 months of that shit again
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    11m old has cut back drastically on formula

    @jordanbanks Yeah I also remember dropping from 5 to 3 over a matter of weeks!
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    What was the moment you knew you were OAD?

    @vitality When I realised I had HG not just 'normal' pregnancy sickness and then looked up the stats of getting it in a second pregnancy. Never again, thank you!
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    11m old has cut back drastically on formula

    @jordanbanks My daughter was also always 90% plus, started solids at 4 months because she was obsessed with our food lol. She was eating three solid meals by 6 months, I can't remember exactly how much formula she was taking but I remember by 10 months she was having one 8oz bottle first thing...
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    When did your baby sleep all night w/o feed?

    @londoj She dropped to one feed at 7 weeks and slept 10 hours minimum from 10 weeks
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    Mamas, what's the longest you'd be apart from your 0-2 y.o.?

    @samie Mine's 18 months and the longest I've been away from her was when a job at work really ran over and what should have took 9 hours. Voluntarily I've left her for about 4 hours at most while I'm working from home. Definitely ok to say no to this if that's what you feel comfortable with
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    Traumatic Birth Expirience Made me Decide to Be OAD

    @kwildson My induction was also terrible and completely unmedicated, my brain has done that weird thing that i can remember how bad it was but also I think ‘meh I could manage it again’ now at 2 years out. I imagine I’d regret that immediately if I did! My whole pregnancy was awful and I can’t...
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    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    @zofran There were times BFing was really painful for me and there were times when it was really lovely and I enjoyed it but the relief I felt when I knew the next feed was a bottle not boob made me realise I’d made the right decision. Just make sure you transition gradually and be aware it...
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    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    @zofran I made enough breast milk to EBF and baby stayed at 50th percentile pretty much from birth but 5 weeks in I was just so ready to have my body back. I felt selfish wanting to quit when baby was latching well and I produced a lot and I knew other people who couldn’t BF but I had a really...