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  1. E

    My husband offered me an out yesterday

    @jesuslover20021234 Burnout is not exclusive to LE. People everywhere in all sorts of jobs can and do experience burnout.
  2. E

    My husband offered me an out yesterday

    @jesuslover20021234 Is there some projection going on here? I don’t know OP or her partner, but nothing I read points to abuse or DV. Trust and boundaries have been broken for sure, but abuse? I don’t see it. There is potential for this to be overcome.
  3. E

    My husband offered me an out yesterday

    @pkhaney It seems like burnout. Along with him upping his therapy I would recommend couples counseling. There needs to be couple time, family time, and hobby time. I have been reading and recommend Hold the Line by Cyndi Doyle (for you) and Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement by Dr. Kevin...