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    Kids father planning to vanish until they’re 18

    @jennyjohn I didn’t ask for how many single parent homes. No ones out here denying that a healthy, stable two parent home is the most ideal situation. But life happens, people fail us, remaining together in an unhappy marriage for the sake of children is not better for anyone. And now you’re...
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    Kids father planning to vanish until they’re 18

    @jennyjohn Bruh you need to cite some real sources here. This is getting out of hand
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    Kids father planning to vanish until they’re 18

    @jennyjohn You aren’t clear in that. You suggested therapy, living in different parts of the house, because apparently that’s better than no father. A man who can’t respectful and helpful to his partner is not a good father. He made that pretty clear when he lied about being blocked and then...
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    Kids father planning to vanish until they’re 18

    @jennyjohn OP whatever you do, do NOT listen to this persons advice. What they’re spouting is not actually true once critical thinking is applied. Do NOT take a man back who has chosen to treat you and your children with such blatant disrespect back for the sake of the children. Kids pick up on...