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  1. S

    School sending invites to a church fashion show

    @oppmuntre Kindergarten where I am is 5-6. It did say there’s a church service while the kids eat, so I’ll give them that much. They’ll be feeding the kids. There was no other reassurances to the invite, just a phone number to call. Not having things in writing is something I’m uncomfortable...
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    School sending invites to a church fashion show

    @jamesdtyler Thank you for the suggestion on how to go about it!
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    School sending invites to a church fashion show

    @jamesdtyler Especially in our area where we just had our town under investigation for an issue with city employees propositioning children for money. Forgot to add that above. Thank you. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t wrong for feeling like this was a terrible idea, and not something the...
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    School sending invites to a church fashion show

    I just want to know if I’m wrong for feeling creeped out and like this is inappropriate? I received an invitation from the school for a church hosting a fashion show for girls k-4. On the invite itself it says parents are to drop off at 5pm and can’t attend the show until 8:30pm. “Formal...