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  1. F

    What do you class as sleeping through the night?

    @sass Fully sleeping through the night is put her down at 7, and she doesn’t wake us before 6 am. Otherwise, it’s “1 feed, 2 feeds, etc.”. When she was younger & feeds were inevitable, we may have considered STTN as sleeping an 8 hour stretch so that we could wake naturally.
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    Anyone else’s baby fit into smaller age size in clothes?

    @netty805 7 month old is in 3-6 month clothes! Took her 8 weeks to graduate from newborn clothes.
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    My 4 m/o was awake for over 5 hours at daycare

    @coffeecake67 Yes, and I was a daycare teacher as well but not in the infant room. It hasn’t been too long - about 3 weeks. She started out sleeping 45 min to an hour with them 2-3 times a day. It seems like there’s not a solution, but at the same time it feels like there really needs to be...
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    My 4 m/o was awake for over 5 hours at daycare

    @texasvolunteer32 Thank you for the solidarity! We spend all evening trying to catch up on sleep. I hope she grows out of it soon
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    My 4 m/o was awake for over 5 hours at daycare

    @apmercer Yes, same here! Definitely a no-fault situation. It just feels like a crisis!
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    He’s SUCH a Good Dad: A Moms V. Dads Expectations Rant

    @melista I hate this stuff!!!! My husband’s default is coming to the appointments unless we would lose some of his income for doing so. Whenever he gets praise for doing so, he says, “…Well, this is my child, isn’t it?” Glad to see parents actually creating equity in their families.
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    My 4 m/o was awake for over 5 hours at daycare

    What can we ask them to do? At home, she puts herself to sleep in the crib about 75% of the time. She will cry for a few minutes, but typically if she’s put in the crib awake, she’ll fall asleep eventually. They rock her to sleep then transfer her, and she wakes up during the transfer. Even...