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  1. S

    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    @krython AMH does as far as I've read not actually impact the chance per cycle. Age does and those are obviously related. But not AMH itself for the same age. Plus the numbers OP said don't actually predict menopause before 48. And I've not seen a medical guideline suggest monitoring for...
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    Can luteal phase defect be a sign of bad eggs?

    @want2bsober You said in your post your LP before was about +-10 days. Which is normal. Not short. It really takes at least a year for your body to regulate. And luteal phase on its own does not cause infertility, but for people who deal with infertility (aka trying for a year which you're not...
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    Can luteal phase defect be a sign of bad eggs?

    @want2bsober It's very normal to have a shorter LP after giving birth for actually a long time +-a year - also depending on type of feeding longer. If you're breastfeeding in any capacity that's most likely the culprit. But also your body might just take a little longer to regulate than a year...
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    Sperm analysis results

    @krython The most common when able to deduce it art r/maleinfertility which is predominantly US send to use 4 as best. Like here: I'd prefer of they would just stick to A-D WHO which is at least clear what is what
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    Sperm analysis results

    @diannalynn67 Yet another system!! How confusing!
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    Sperm analysis results

    @diannalynn67 I'm always confused by the numerical progression grading. I think generally 4 is the best and then 3+4 are progressive? So 2 would would be non progressive? So it's not really the relevant sperm. Or is this yet another system?
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    Sperm analysis results

    @krython Yeah. It's a bit arbitrary that the WHO doen't use TEC while it is so much more predictive and telling them the individual percentages! And no actual guidance on how to calculate it. This really answers my question as what I've wondered a long time about that what on lots of SA's I...
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    Sperm analysis results

    @krython Just out of curiosity, what guidelines are you referring to with the total progressive count? Because all I ever read was that >20mio is considered normal. Our national guideline even categorizes the total progressive count (so only A+B motile) above 10mio as normospermia. And the Dutch...
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    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    @ahcadvocacy Haha no. Even if I would physically feel that part to go between retrieval and day 3 transfer I don't think I would be able to enjoy it and relax. 😄
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    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    @ahcadvocacy It gave me much headaches as well. I planned the spa day for after retrieval (if fresh transfer fails), just to enjoy it without thinking twice and however much I want even though I think it's probably not an issue. Than you so much to put this all together!!
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    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    @dancequeen12 Just remember with people staying in heat for probably more hours a day only 22% had decreased siren parameters. Also average sperm is very much higher than the threshold where you will actually see a difference in terms of fertility.
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    AMH and AFC? Are they correlated? + hysteroscopy Q

    @judd04 My experience was fine with one paracetamol and ibuprofen (so same thing). It was a high dose though. And started taking it the evening before and then an hour before the procedure. More detailed experience is on the hysteroscopy post on the wiki of r/infertility
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    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    @ahcadvocacy I'm so looking forward to it! But thanks for confirming my logic. Probably covid is a bigger concern, but it's still allowed and they take all kind of precautions.
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    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    @ahcadvocacy @ahcadvocacy I summon you from the depth of reddit, because I need your wisdom and opinion! I am thinking about going to a spa tomorrow, this is 2 days after IVF retrieval, 1 day before transfer. I feel pretty okay right now, no signs of OHSS. The only reason I can think of not...
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    Need help understanding

    @xteaspoon Looks good. Morphology might be impacted by the long abstinence before. 6 days is really too long. Morphology isn't worrying on its own though, it's a percentage and the numbers make more than up for it
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    Sperm Analysis Results

    @danielh65 We've always been told to really try to keep it at body temp if it was an at home sample.
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    Sperm Analysis Results

    @danielh65 Did he keep the sample at body temperature in transit? Like between the legs or under his armpit? Because temperature could definitely affect especially motility. I'd hazard a guess that smori is something like strict morphology something?
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    Sperm Analysis Results

    @gramm15 Are you sure your guidelines say that? Because I'm European and our guidelines also dismiss it completely. Only using total motile sperm count. And karyotyping as only useful with azo or severe MFI (
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    Sperm Analysis Results

    @gramm15 The thing is though when there isn't a distinct pattern that is chromosomally caused it doesn't say anything about the DNA content. It's the package not the content. The reason for not considering it (if the percentage is off but no worrying pattern) is that this is what the evidence...
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    Sperm Analysis Results

    @gramm15 We've had quite a few analysis without morphology. (Although mostly they did not do it because there wasn't enough sperm to do a good guess at percentage because they only look at a fraction and extrapolate that). Most urology guidelines say morphology isn't really a predictive or...