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    Anyone else hate working?

    @liz555 I mean, I don’t LOVE working. But I don’t want to be a SAHM. That’s still work lol. Is there anyone, parent or non-parent, who wouldn’t love to be independently wealthy and not work?
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    My husband offered me an out yesterday

    @pkhaney I’ve seen far too many cases where the one snooping is projecting. Either he’s not happy, or he’s cheating and was checking on you. If I had to guess from what you wrote, he doesn’t want to do the marriage and kids thing anymore. I think he wants you to leave him or something?
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    Anyone else not “crave adult interaction”?

    @porven I wouldnt say I crave “adult interaction” but I certainly don’t feel a ton of satisfaction from cleaning lol. Cooking I do but only for a special occasion. Regular dinner? Nah. That’s just a chore. I am almost addicted to profesional achievement and progression tho. So yeah, that’s far...
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    Positive stories!

    @pentzbar000 I’m not gonna lie, that first year is tough. Those first 4 months are so challenging! But in at year 3 now and my baby is so so sweet. She’s so smart and funny. I feel like I get to relive my childhood with her. I feel so lucky to be able to do that again. I didn’t have the best...
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    What are your "do it all" life hacks?

    @holyspiritleads2truth I just checked my grocery delivery app and our local Costco is on there!
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    What are your "do it all" life hacks?

    @holyspiritleads2truth Grocery delivery was a a game changer for us.
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    Temporarily stepping away from career to be a stay at home mom?

    @john76 It truly comes down to your preference. I’m not cut out for the SAHM life so I don’t do it. If you want to do it and can, go for it.
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    Q+A Part 1: The Basics

    @bernard222 Great idea! 1.) I am 25 and my SO is 28 2.) We've been together 5 years. We are currently engaged. We're getting married in July. We won't be TTC until sometime after that point. 3.) We both work in finance. I am business analysis for data processes and she is a Financial Advisor...
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @followthestar If someone isn’t working then no budget plan is going to work. It has to pooled resources. And I guess I didn’t consider such a difference in wages. This really only works in you’re somewhat within ranges of making similar money. Like with 50% of each other.
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @followthestar We do this exact same philosophy but rather with percents. We add all the things you mention plus even savings for general savings. It’s the money after that that is the “fun money” we hang on to. How is choosing to do this with percentages with than fixed numbers different?
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @margrethe That’s all awful. But this doesn’t mean splitting up bills based on what percentage the person makes of the household is a bad budgeting practice.
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @margrethe You’re in a very unique situation tho. Not many people have a trust fund or are married to one. In an instance where a trust fund was in play, I would include that in the percentage split. I’m surprised you guys don’t.
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @followthestar Why do you say that? I personally find it the “fairest” way. But I’m curious what the downsides are.
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    Music Q & A

    @casej121 I grew up listening to Joan Jett, Cheap Trick, Journey and pretty much any 80s/90s rock band lol. My sister and I liked Disney songs and Disney channel songs growing up but we got that rock from my mom lol. I'm into that genre and I like mainstream pop bc you kinda just listen to it...
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    “Why didn’t you remind me?” -My Husband

    @infomommax This sounds like natural consequences. This is something I practice with my children to help the learn accountability and responsibility. I’m glad he’s finally learning.