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  1. P

    Pills + diaphragm (w/ spermicide) = good idea?

    @katrina2017 If there is access to a safe legal abortion than of course you shouldn't self abort. On the other hand, If a legal abortion is not an option I think it becomes a viable choice.
  2. P

    Pills + diaphragm (w/ spermicide) = good idea?

    @jim0488 Wow good source, ill retract that claim then. OP, You can still contact women on the web for abortion care then if you find yourself in that situation, link :
  3. P

    Pills + diaphragm (w/ spermicide) = good idea?

    @wogs No problem, Hopefully you never have to use this, I forgot to say that drinking alot of parsley tea with it can make this more likely to work.
  4. P

    Pills + diaphragm (w/ spermicide) = good idea?

    @wogs That link is for the effectiveness of using two contraceptives together. I'd say your pretty safe tho. If something does happen 6,000 mg of vitamin C (without...