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  1. P

    Breastfeeding Destroying Me Emotionally

    @pjnovak We had to experiment with like 8 different nipples to get the flow right. We ended up buying a multipack with different flow rates and once we figured out what worked bought more of those. They are the same brand that were on the ready to feed bottles they gave us at the hospital when...
  2. P

    Breastfeeding Destroying Me Emotionally

    @pjnovak We have had no issues with breastfeeding/latching/ties and we are still combo feeding because it just makes things easier for me, and as a result my supply isn't quite enough, because I hate pumping, and that's okay. If combo feeding works for you, great! If EBF weekend, great! If...
  3. P

    Best burping methods

    @klangl01 Lol yeah that's a perfect description
  4. P

    Best burping methods

    @ricard My husband found a youtube video that has been a game changer. I can't find it, but basically it's this: Lift baby up and down (like chest height to overhead) 5 times - this is crucial Place in seated position but leaning forward at a 45 degree angle with one hand supporting chin and...