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  1. F

    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @lyzza631 Sometimes they don't need mom or dad, sometimes they need to find their lovey that they threw to the other side of their crib and snuggle with that for 5 minutes while crying and fall back asleep.
  2. F

    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @lyzza631 I'm saying the baby does care but he needs to learn to self soothe back to sleep because that is good for him. Just like when I need to get dinner ready so he can eat.
  3. F

    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @lyzza631 Sometimes my kid is crying while I'm making dinner, and if I give him the attention he wants then dinner won't get made and he won't eat, nor will I. It's the same thing. Children need to sleep and so do parents.
  4. F

    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @carra 6:15 bath time 7:00 lights off and I leave his room. He struggles behaviorally around dinner time so our pediatrician suggested just doing dinner earlier, which has helped somewhat but it's still rough. It's a long time for a kid his age to be awake and more importantly my wife is a SAHM...
  5. F

    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @carra Hey just a quick question my 16mo sleeps 12/13 hours at night and is not taking a nap in the middle of the day, should we put him to bed later or wake him up earlier so he sleeps less at night and takes a nap during the day?
  6. F

    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @dobbinmicky Ahh ok
  7. F

    Saved my daughters life when she was a baby

    @moialiceme I learned something a long time ago that could be extremely useful. Anytime a Doctor doesn't take my requests seriously, or wants to discharge me without me feeling comfortable it's important to say "ok no problem, please make a note in my chart that I asked for such and such and you...
  8. F

    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @thomashanancy I have two kids, my youngest is about to 5 and a half months and my oldest is 16 months. The plan right now is that I won't move my youngest out of the bassinet until he's sleeping through the night and can be in his brother's room without impacting his sleep. Edited to add that...
  9. F

    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    @dobbinmicky What settings did you set the snoo to while doing Ferber? More than a 3/4 minutes of crying and ours turns off.