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  1. J

    Wife suddenly wants me to work part time - I disagree (T-minus 2 months)

    @callingantioch OP didn't even mention they were in the US so that's a lot of US-centric stuff that may not apply to him.
  2. J

    How much money do you need when the baby is first born?

    @hosee My wife pumped right from the start. Couldn't get the baby to breastfeed at all but she pumped every 2 hours and kept it up for like 14 months, so you definitely don't have to wait to start pumping.
  3. J

    Baby was just diagnosed with a genetic condition and I’m scared. Anyone with experience or advice?

    @booneville701 My wife has Holt-Oram syndrome so we knew our baby would have a 50% chance of inheriting it. It can be really mild or it can be really bad so it was a tough wait. It's not something they can test on the NIPT either, they could do an amnio but we didn't want to take the risk of...