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  1. N

    I am at a loss with my 2.5 year old’s behaviour

    @smallman I sit on the floor with my back against the door so that he can’t approach it. That’s an important part of it. If I didn’t do that he’d break the door down. When I first take him in he rages more. Think of it like a fire in a smaller space. It will heat up the small room faster, but...
  2. N

    I am at a loss with my 2.5 year old’s behaviour

    @smallman Yeah, this is one of those situations where you’ve just got to act quickly and decisively. When he’s melting down like that, he literally is like an animal. It’s basically his fight or flight response. There’s no reasoning with it, you can only contain it until he calms down enough for...
  3. N

    I am at a loss with my 2.5 year old’s behaviour

    @smallman I have a kid who has explosive tantrums, though thankfully they're less frequent now. Here's what works for me: When he's having a serious meltdown, I have to get him contained. I pick him up and say, "We're going to your room. You're not in trouble. You're a good kid who's having a...
  4. N

    3.5 y/o daughter said she doesn't like herself

    @tapselbor Agree with this. Who knows what she’s really trying to express with her young vocabulary. It may be as simple as not liking the way she feels, because she’s not verbally sophisticated enough to distinguish between her feelings and herself. Also keep in mind that it’s normal to feel...