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    Premie baby coming home on 1/2 liter oxygen

    @munzurul Our LO was 290g when she was born and the first day we put clothes on her she looked huge at 3lbs
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    Premie baby coming home on 1/2 liter oxygen

    @munzurul 14lbs now and off oxygen and feeding tube for a few months now. So crazy to see pictures from a year ago. It gets a lot better I promise. Especially after you get them home.
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    Premie baby coming home on 1/2 liter oxygen

    @munzurul Hey fellow 22wker! We did three rounds of aspirin before we got the pda closure at 40 wks. Glad to hear he’s doing so good!
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    Premie baby coming home on 1/2 liter oxygen

    @munzurul If you want to ask questions feel free to DM me.